Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi Nivedan Analysis | Konu Manvu ?

Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi Nivedan Analysis | Konu Manvu ?
Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi Nivedan Analysis | Konu Manvu ?

On 24th November 2021 Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi has put out a Nivedan in Gujarati and Hindi. Some of the points of this Nivedan require serious contemplation.

As stated by AKT, Are the questions put forward by Pandit M.S in the benefit of Jin Shashan really deceptive?

While Pedhi has refrained from even mentioning Gachadhipati Pandit M.S name in its Nivedan, it has also given no clarifications or explanations on serious danger points and issues on Jin Shashan shown by him.

While calling itself as the representative of the whole Shwetambar Jain Sangh, the Anandji Kalyanji Pedhi has not shown any willingness or seriousness in working towards TirthRaksha and Jinshashan Raksha.

Instead the Pedhi is just busy in naming and proving Pandit m.s nivedan as false and whatnot and sidelining important issues.

A sincere request to all Shashan Premi, ‘Do not stay in the illusion that Pedhi has given answers to Pandit m.s Nivedan”.

Our beloved Palitana tirth is still in danger !!