Ep-12 Tame Ketla Nu Dil Jityu Che? | Mayna Sundari – The Real Winner

Have you ever won over someone in life?

Those who are not internally developed, their behaviour will break others’ good faith in them.

People who don’t enrich their inner personality gain setbacks in every step of life.

Come let us understand how the actions of Mayana Sundari established the win of Tirthankars Jinvachan.

#ShripalMaynaRas #ShripalRajanoRas #Navpad #ShripalMaynaCharitra #ShriNavpadOli #jain #jainism

Watch all episodes of Mayna Sundari The Real Winner video series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeE86lgbbhubJ_q3EkSCXolsFoq-ZeIJy