Ep12 Religious Code of Conduct is Mandatory | True Representation of Jain Sangh

#Ancient #Bharat was a land of #morality, #ethics, #justice, and #virtues that protected its #cultural #traditions and #Dharma at the cost of one’s own life.

However, today there is widespread #promotion of religious places of worship as public properties for tourism, which is completely #unethical and #dangerous.

A religious place of worship is not a #public property open for tourism; it belongs to its believers and followers only.

Non-believers who visit religious places of #worship for leisure and #entertainment are absolutely #wrong.

The code of conduct for #religious places should be strictly followed with #discipline.

Non-believers have no right to #harm the #sanctity and piety of a #religious place under the guise of #tourism.

Let us now understand the depth and importance of this matter.
#SaveJainTirths #Antrikshji #SaveShikharji #SaveGiriraj #Shatrunjay #Girnar #Kesariyaji #AbuDelwara #Ranakpur #MuchalaMahavir #Taranga #Jainism #TirthRaksha #spirituality