Aakhir Hua Tha Kya ? – Part 3 What is the reality ? Whom to believe, that which is stated in our scriptures or the sayings of ones who reject the scriptures? An unfortunate event happened in the Jain Sangh ! All limits were crossed ! Without even listening to P. Pandit M.S or letting him speak baseless allegations were made ! The behaviour of the Trustees lacked basic Humanity, Respect was far away ! So today with the only intention to share the truth with evidence to every Shashan Premi, various videos recorded by Shravaks of the untoward incident on the 10th March 2022 at Ghatkopar Navroji lane, have been compiled into this video series here. Till when will the truth and facts be denied? Do introspect and understand the truth ! #truth #jain #justice #jainism #ghatkoparsangh #navrojilane #panditms