Jainacharya Yugbhushansuri’s message on Corona



Subject : Testing times for entire humanity and human rights

When the entire world is covered with the terror of COVID-19, I wish to convey insights for humanity as a whole, based on universal principles and spirituality propagated by all religions.

Drawing strength through spirituality

These adverse circumstances of pain and ordeal, question our isolation from spirituality. This has brought up an opportunity to contemplate the preaching of World Religions. These Religions unanimously point out exploitative and unjust behavior, as the principal cause of grief and agony. Further, these religions vouch for piousness and its significance. Real peace, happiness, and security, all stem out from piousness. The abstract form of piousness is spirituality. I wish that let the world in this stressed atmosphere be able to hold the breath and draw strength from spirituality.

Message to the Nation-States

The affected ones require compassionate and supportive care from the State and Society. Though lockdown, quarantine or isolation may be necessary as a preventive measure to protect the people from the spread of COVID-19, the medical assassination of the affected ones would amount to the murder of humanity. This is not acceptable even in the severest case of a health catastrophe when the entire world is obligated to protect human rights.

Message to individuals

For a COVID-19 affect patient, he must be connected socially. Here, for a Corona patient on a deathbed or otherwise, when the world is speaking of social distancing, I would like to stress upon limiting the distancing to physical only. In fact, much better, and improved social connect, as generally practiced in India, is required.

A lonely death is a tragic event in laymen’s life. The diseased can’t be left to spend final moments away from loved ones and bid the final farewell in social isolation.

I wish all to focus on generosity towards all living beings and attain real inner peace.View Entire Message

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